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Showing posts from March 11, 2022

“Anxiety or Stress” Most common disease in the World!

 “ Anxiety or Stress” Most common disease in the World! Why are these terms suddenly becoming important in our life? Anxiety & Stress is the most common worldwide disease throughout the World. The reason may be factors like our disordered lifestyle, the influence of modern gadgets, excessive use of the internet, social media, junk foods, nuclear family, environment, toxin accumulation, exercise levels, and many more. Let us know about this in the vision of Ayursun Pharma . Anxiety /fear is a Mental Disturbance caused by overthinking about the “Future”, e.g. - mental anxiety & stress, strain, a natural tranquilizer, enuresis in children, sleeplessness, nervous and psychogenic headache, neurotic depression, anxiety neurosis, etc. Ayurvedic approach In Ayurvedic , these mental factors are directly linked with the characteristics of 5 Energy Elements of the universe in the name of Vata (Space and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water) and Kapha (Water and Earth) called...